About Sarah
I want to live in a world where deciding isn't overwhelming, everyone makes choices based on what brings themselves joy, and we don’t have any reason to second guess our decisions. I've been described as having strong heart, a clear vision and presence. My coaching has been characterized as being kind, supportive, bold, perceptive, and on point. I'm a certified Courageous Living Coach with a concentration in somatic coaching through the Courageous Living Coach Certification. This program is rooted in a holistic philosophy grounded in supporting clients where they’re at. When I'm not helping people navigate life’s choices, I'm working at a local environmental nonprofit here in Portland, Maine; walking with my pup; or enjoying Maine's coast.
I know choices are hard.
It took me a long time to figure out why.
If you are like me, you grew up hearing that you could do whatever you wanted. Well, as a kid that sounds awesome but, as an adult who is trying to make their next career or relationship choice, the options can be overwhelming.
Maybe, like me, you found from a young age that life can be easier if you put others first. Again, as an adult, this makes living your life and making choices based on what you want difficult.
Or, as a child, you found that doing the "right thing" got you lots of praise. So you started playing by the rules and living up to outer expectations, never listening to your gut. How are we supposed to make choices based on our own inner guidance when we lost touch with it years ago?
So now, as an adult, we realize that the patterns and things we learned as a child aren't serving us, but then what are we left with? A feeling of uncertainty, a lack of fulfillment, and no idea who we really are.
I know from personal experience that you can stop the second guessing. You can go from being stuck on where to start, to taking actions you are proud if. I help people use their intuition, that knowing in your gut, to make better decisions. If you’d like to work with me, schedule an exploratory call.
A note on intersectionality and coaching
Intersectionality has a huge impact on our personal growth, and I acknowledge that my own traits mean that I have limited experiences with this. I’m white, middle class, educated, able bodied, cisgender, heterosexual, and have typical brain function. This means that there may be clients I am not best suited to work with, and I am happy to support anyone in finding a coach that is a better fit. I am unlearning my own biases and continue to grow in this area. Part of this learning is with Stand In Your Bias.